Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What I Miss Most about Mickey's Toontown Fair

With the Fantasyland expansion in Walt Disney World pushing Mickey’s Toontown Fair into extinction, I got to thinking. What will I miss most about Mickey’s Toontown Fair? This post should be short; a paragraph or two since Toontown didn't offer much for adults. 
Of course, Mickey and Minnie’s country houses come to mind first. Over the past several years, Mickey and Minnie’s houses have been a favorite of the family’s. I have video of my two sons as toddlers wandering through and exploring both houses. They would ask to go to Mickey or Minnie’s house the moment we set foot in Central Florida.
So, what I miss most about Mickey’s Toontown Fair is Mickey and Minnie’s country houses. Wait a minute! Wait a pumpkin planting minute! I just remembered my sons’ first roller coaster rides ever: Goofy’s Barnstormer. How could Barnstormer not be what I miss most? All right, we have a tie folks. I miss both Mickey and Minnie’s country houses and Goofy’s Barnstormer the most. There! Finito! End of sto...
Ooh, Donald’s boat is a great way to rest and cool off after hiking around the Magic Kingdom in the midday sun. My boys would spend 45 minutes (longer if I let them) in Donald’s boat. I have to include Donald’s boat. So, without further delay, my final What I miss most about Mickey’s Toontown Fair is Mickey and Minnie’s country houses, Goofy’s Barnstormer, and Donald’s boat.
Guess what? I forgot about the Judge’s Tent. The big cheese himself, IN PERSON! Without a doubt, I’ll miss the Judge's Tent. What a character that Mickey is. Speaking of characters, the Toontown Hall of Fame had photo ops with characters; Snow White, Winnie the Pooh, Tinkerbell, and many others. The Toontown Hall of Fame is hard to beat. Oh man! Mickey’s mailbox! I have to include Mickey's mailbox.
Okay, updated list. What I miss most about Mickey’s Toontown Fair is Mickey and Minnie’s country houses, Goofy’s Barnstormer, Donald’s boat, the Judge’s Tent, Tootown Hall of Fame, and Mickey’s mailbox. Oops! Am I stupid or what? I forgot about the best restroom in all of Walt Disney World, Pete’s Garage. Okay, maybe the bathroom isn’t the best, but the theme was great. Pete’s slogan “Trust me with your car” and the floating key in the Gulp gas pump are classic.  I also forgot about the Toontown Playground and the Welcome to Mickey’s Toontown Fair sign, the best spot for a group photo.
So, to update one last time; what I miss most about Mickey’s Toontown Fair is Mickey and Minnie’s country houses, Goofy’s Barnstormer, Donald’s boat, the Judge’s Tent, the Toontown Hall of Fame, Mickey’s mailbox, Pete’s Garage, the Toontown Playground, and the Welcome to Toontown sign. Gee whiz! I failed to mention the Toontown Train Station, the Toontown Farmer’s Market where I’d enjoy fresh fruits, snacks, and beverages, and the air-conditioned County Bounty where I could pick up a souvenir or two. Toontown also had Pete’s Paint Shop where families could get their faces painted. I haven’t even mentioned the many props throughout all of Toontown, the street signs, or the statue of Cornelius Coot. WOW! There is A LOT I’m going to miss about Toontown. I guess this blog went way past two paragraphs. How wrong could I be? Toontown offered plenty for adults.
To sum up; what I miss most about Mickey’s Toontown Fair is EVERYTHING!

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